Haole Rot, or as they call it in the medical field Tinea Versicolor, is a common skin fungal infection. It affects all ages and develops from sweat mixing with an overgrowth of yeast on haole rotthe skin’s surface. Haole rot is usually more noticeable with sun exposure as all areas of your skin get tan except for where you have the fungus.

If you are prone to Haole Rot, avoid excessive heat and sweating and do not moisturize your skin. Instead dry your skin. Even though this is a dry, scaly infection, lubricants “feed the fungus”, so no moisturizers, please. Also to help reduce yeast in your body, try eliminating or reducing sugary carbohydrates.

Fortunately Haole Rot can be treated with a topical or oral medication prescribed by a doctor, and it takes only a week to two weeks to go away, depending on the severity of it.

The infection can stay on clothing and towels so be sure to wash towels and clothing daily and change your bedding for the first few days of treating the skin fungus. It is a hassle but well worth getting rid of it for good!