Every day, parents invest in their children’s physical, social, emotional and educational wellbeing. When school is out, there’s one place that offers the perfect environment for a child to continue developing: summer camp!

Summer camp can give your child the opportunity to stay in a loosely structured environment and routine. Camp is all about having fun with friends, while still following rules that help maintain safety and harmony.

Self-esteem is an important building block for happiness in a child’s life. Camps provide opportunities for children to continue developing outside of school and home. Learning, contributing and belonging to a small community, helps children develop their self-esteem.

Summer camp also gives children the opportunity to explore new interests and build on ones they may already have. The sense of progression in a hobby, interest or passion can help build a child’s confidence.

Being outdoors and in a screen-free environment, a child is more inclined to use his or her imagination. Playing or being active outdoors can feed the soul of any child. It’s the perfect place for a child to explore, act out roles, and challenge herself outside of the classroom or home.

Unless the camp involves technology, it is designed to provide screen-free time for children. Camp ensures that a child is safe, happy and engaged without watching television or playing video games.

Whether your child is spending time with a friend or making new friends at camp, the social interaction is important for his well-being. Best friends have been found and made at camp. Being brought together by a shared passion or common interest can help nurture long-lasting bonds.

Enrolling your child in summer camp has many benefits. Camps provide experiences that can meet a child’s social, creative and physical needs on so many levels. Any parent would agree, at the end of the day, that there’s nothing like a happy and fulfilled child.