Ohana Ranch of Maui Summer Day Camps

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Horse Back Riding, Arts and Crafts, Water Trough Play, Miniature Horse Play.

Ages 5 and up.

Check www.ohanaranchmaui.com and click on events to check camp dates. From 9:00am to 2:00pm.

Location: Kula

Contact: [email protected] www.ohanaranchmaui.com or (808)298-5864

Riding Lessons
Learn how to ride a horse on your own.  Lessons are for ages 2 and up.- Please call 808-298-5864 for prices or email [email protected].

Educational Programs
Experience a special bond between you and a horse in a 60 ft round pen. Your heart will “Explode” with joy to have this amazing connection.

Natural Horsemanship:

Learn how to think like a horse.
Learn how to groom, halter and lead a miniature horse.
Saddle Rides (for children under 40 lbs./20 kgs.).
– Please call 808-298-5864 for prices or email [email protected].

Horseback Riding on Maui:

Experience Maui’s best horseback riding in a controlled environment where you learn the mind of your horse. Our horseback riding activity will build tremendous confidence in both children and adults!

Riders begin developing skills by getting familiar with the horses in our arena. This controlled environment exposes the riders to the basic techniques in Western and English riding. They will learn the skills necessary to communicate with the horses through appropriate motions and movements.

Our well trained staff goes to great lengths to increase the riders’ comfort level with the horses and their riding abilities. One of the principal aspects of our horseback program is that we familiarize riders with the horse as an animal to be respected and cared for.

Riders may be asked to help with feeding and grooming of the horse to further their range of skills and abilities.

What is the difference between English and Western riding?

This is a common inquiry for people who are looking into horseback riding. Our riders have the option to learn English or Western.

Simply put, the main difference between the two styles is the equipment used and the movement of the horse. Although most riders tend to stick to a certain style of riding, both styles can be extremely rewarding.

Riding Lessons:
Children and Adults – Learn how to ride a horse on your own.  Lessons are for ages 2 and up.

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