backpacks & Max pic

Help contribute to the annual community service project of The Kiwanis Club of The Valley Isle

Project Backpack “Equipped to Learn” is an annual community service project of The Kiwanis Club of The Valley Isle.  2014 is our 9th year.  We partner with different agencies to provide a backpack with supplies specific to a child’s grade and school. On that first day of school, the backpack and school supplies give the students confidence and equips them to succeed.  The agencies that we partner with have criteria set in place to identify those families and students with the most need for assistance.  A goal is set by the club as to the number of students we can provide a backpack with supplies.  Then the agencies give us a list of students.  Collection sites are setup on Maui to get the community involved and to accept donations of backpacks and supplies.  There are three ways that someone can help.  1)  Sponsor a Child: Choose a student from the list (or 2, or 3) and provide a new backpack with all supplies for that particular student or students.  2) Provide Supplies:  We will put together donated supplies to complete students’ needs.  3)  Cash Donations or Gift Cards:  ALL donations are used to purchase supplies to complete students’ needs that are not covered by supplies donated.  Each year volunteers from all Kiwanis Clubs on Maui, the beneficiary agencies, businesses in our community, and youth volunteers from Key Clubs on Maui help to man these collection sites, shop for supplies, and assist in filling backpacks. 2014 Student Beneficiaries are families of Maui Economic Opportunity, Inc. Head Start Program and Boys & Girls Clubs of Maui.  If you, your business, your youth group, your friends, family, co-workers, etc. would like to sponsor a child, provide supplies, make a donation, or start up a collection, please contact Dawn DeRego, 808-280-4713, for more information.  You may make monetary donations payable to Boys & Girls Clubs of Maui and mail to c/o The Kiwanis Club of The Valley Isle, P.O. Box 395, Kula, HI 96790, Attn: Anthony Arakaki.  At an average cost of $60 a student, your generous support is truly needed.  Anything you can provide will be much appreciated.  Just $1.00 will help!