by Jamie McOuat, Family Hui Hawaii

“There is an intrinsic joy in sharing music. It’s not instructional; it’s fun and within all that fun these other things take place.” – Uncle Wayne Watkins

Early language exposure, especially through music, lays the foundation for speaking, reading and writing. Babies soak up sounds. Infants absorb clues on how to make sounds by hearing repeated words or phrases. Young children learn to speak by experimenting with different sounds, combining them into words and then connecting words into sentences. Our children’s brains expect to hear language, and they need interaction with language in order to learn it.

Music is a natural way for keiki to develop these skills. When they hear words in music, they imitate gestures, expressions and hand motions; and, unsuspectingly, they are introduced to new types of verbal and non-verbal vocabulary, meanings and feelings. The rhythm, rhyme and repetition of musical experiences support children’s development, as they enjoy the sounds, tempo and words through rhythm and melody.

We can help children fall in love with telling stories, reading books and singing songs.

Uncle Wayne says, “Music gives keiki access to whatever level of language they are ready for — one word, an entire verse or a song. The language in a song not only tells a story; it provides an opportunity to try new and different words and often in a rhyming pattern.”

Most importantly, music is fun and helps us to express ourselves in creative ways. When kids hear a catchy beat or familiar tune, it’s easy for them to respond by clapping, making sounds with their voices, shaking their heads, moving their arms, swaying their hips, and stepping with their feet to move their bodies in different ways. Whether you’re rocking your infant, your toddler is stomping like a dinosaur, or your preschooler is striking up a spontaneous dance, music uplifts moods and can be a memorable pastime as you and your child grow together.

Family Hui Hawaii has been raising resilient parents for 30-plus years by providing parent-led support groups for caregivers of keiki ages 0-5. Upcountry at Giggle Hill, Fridays at 3:15 pm; in Lahaina at Napili Park, Thursdays at 10:00 am.

Click for more Music for Keiki!