Imagine A Day Without Water

Sign Main Street to Iao

The Maui County Department of Water Supply is taking part in a national education campaign to engage the public and officials about how water is essential, invaluable and needs investment.

The national “Imagine a Day Without Water” day is today, October 12, 2017. As an active participant Maui County has placed “Wellhead Protection Area” signs in areas where hazardous spills could reach our groundwater. The signs encourage people to call police if they see motor oil, household chemicals, pesticide applications or other chemical leaks in the area.

Check out the information below for more details about how to keep our drinking water wells safe from contamination:

What can cause groundwater contamination?

Drinking water wells can become contaminated by activities such as dumping motor oil or household chemicals on the ground, pesticide applications, chemical leaks or spills.

What Areas Re-Charge Our Wells?

The land areas that could contribute water and pollutants to the ground water below are called “Wellhead Protection Areas”.  These are the surface and subsurface areas surrounding a water well through which contaminants can move toward and reach the water well.

What can I do to prevent contamination of our drinking water?

•  Use non-toxic and less-toxic alternatives to household chemicals.

•  Follow package directions on pesticides, fertilizers, and other household chemicals.  Home mechanics can drop of their used oil at no charge at oil recycling collection sites.

•  Pick up spills with absorbent material and dispose of properly.

•  Have your septic tank inspected and pumped out regularly.

•  Be alert to signs of a failing septic system such as the presence of wet areas above the leaching field and backing up of wastewater following periods of heavy water use.


•  Pour hazardous materials such as paint, degreasers, solvents, industrial cleaners, disinfectants, pesticides, or waste oil down floor drains, sinks or toilets, on your property, or in storm sewers.

•  Keep vehicles, livestock, or other heavy objects around your septic leach field and distribution line.

For more tips and best management practices for homes and businesses, visit