Play dates are a wonderful opportunity for your little one to get some fun, out-of-school time with his friends. If you are dropping him off it can offer you the chance to get errands or work done, while it helps the hosting parent end the after-school-boring-blues for their little one.

Here are tips to help make your next play date be a success.

Share information. Make sure the hosting parent knows your phone number, any allergies your little one has as well as food quirks they may have.

Safety first. Is your little one still in a car seat or booster? Be sure to give the hosting parent their car seat if they plan to travel on the roads. (Hawaii law states children four through seven must be in a booster seat unless they are over the height of 4’9”)

Set a pick up time. This helps you know what you can get done while your child is at their play date, helps the hosting parent manage the time he or she has the kids, and lets your little one know how long they have to play. This can save off hard goodbyes at the end of the play date.

Take it to the beach or park. Play dates don’t have to always be at someone’s home. In fact, the kids are sure to love a trip to the park or beach with their pal.

Trading places. Make sure you trade off who hosts the play date. This allows both sets of parents time to see their child hang out with a buddy or time to get things done.

Make it a double. Mommy and Me play dates aren’t just for babies, although they are wonderful when you have a younger child. They are also equally as fun as the kids get older. The kids can play while the moms enjoy coffee or a trip to the beach as a foursome.