Heartburn during pregnancy usually begins during the first trimester and becomes continually worse through the second and third trimesters. The American College of Gastroenterology recommends the following tips to help reduce the symptoms of heartburn.

• Avoid eating late at night or before going to bed. Tomatoes, citrus, greasy food, alcohol, caffeine and carbonated drinks contribute to heartburn.

• Eat smaller meals.

• Don’t lie down after eating and wait at least 3 hours before going to bed – a horizontal position promotes acid reflux.

• Raise the head of the bed 4 to 6 inches.

• Wear loose fitting clothes so that the stomach isn’t constricted.

• Antacids that contain aluminum, calcium and magnesium are okay, but the ACG recommends that antacids containing magnesium not be used in the last trimester – it may alter uterine contractions.

• Avoid antacids containing sodium bicarbonate.