On Sunday, June 5, 2016 The Will Smith Charitable Foundation will host its 4th annual Wills Water Safety Day at Hanakao’o Beach Park (Canoe Beach) in Lahaina.

WebWill's Water Day 086The fun-filled and informative day will kick off at 11am and continue until 4pm led by local surfing celebrity and Waterman Archie Kalepa. Local surfing celebrities Kai Lenny, Kiva Rivers, Dave Kalama, just to name a few, gather to help keiki of all ages understand and respect the ocean. A surprise visit by the Lahaina fire department with their truck usually tops off the day.

Paddle-boarding, surfing, learning to paddle canoe with Napili Canoe Club, judging safe ocean conditions, and many more beach activities are designed to bring ohana together for a fun-filled and informative day at the beach with their heroes. A high-light of the day includes jet ski rides on the WILL 2 Rescue Ski donated by the Will Smith Foundation which local lifeguards use at this beach to save lives every day.

WebWill's Water Day 142All are welcome to this free family day event with live music and food and the first 100 keiki will receive a free colorful t-shirt commemorating the event. For more information or the opportunity to participate as a donor or sponsor, please contact Alicia Kalepa at 808 870 1045 or Susan Moulton at [email protected]210 559 4044. www.willsmithfoundation.org