

Our Keiki

8 Tips to Ease Into Bedtime

8 Tips to Ease Into Bedtime “Let him sleep, for when he wakes, he will move mountains” -Napoleon Getting enough

Our KeikiParents

Time Out or Time In?

Time Out or Time In? By Kiegan Blake Parents frequently ask me about the effectiveness of using Time Out as

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Fighting Flu Season

Influenza causes close to 226,000 hospitalizations in the US each year. Since flu season can begin in October and last

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Introducing a Pet to the Family

Many parents begin thinking about owning a pet once their children start pleading to have one. If persistent, children will

Our KeikiWahine

Mother’s Little Helpers

Mother’s Little Helpers Kids love to help and do “adult things,” so why not have them help you around the

Our Keiki

Over-medicating Children

Many pediatricians are concerned about parents giving too much over-the-counter medicine to a sick child. What is of most concern

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