Start Cooking With Your Kids

It’s amazing how children love trying new foods when they are the ones to cook them, so give your kids a chance to practice their cooking skills. Here’s the recipe for getting the kids involved in the kitchen.

Stir. Kids love to get in there and stir. Not to mention the prize of licking the spoon.

Crack. An egg, a bowl, and a crack…kids love it! Be sure to teach them to wash their hands after handling the eggs!

Roll. Give your little ones the job of rolling out the dough when making cookies or a pie. They will love the flour involved and the magic of how the ball of dough turns flat and grows larger with each roll.

Tear. Have your child rip up the lettuce leaves for a healthy salad. Maybe they’ll sneak a leaf or two, too!

Measure. Let the kids help with measuring the ingredients. It’s great for the older ones and helps them with math!

Dump. This is the perfect job for your toddler. Once the older child (or mom and dad) have all the ingredients measured, let your toddler dump them into a bowl.

Cooking Tips!

1. Wash your hands. Always start any cooking extravaganza by having your kids wash their hands. It’s good for them to get in the habit. And who needs leaves and mud in their souffle?!

2. Grab a stool. Grab a small stool that brings your child up to countertop level. This way they can watch you and participate easily. Make sure it has non-slip feet, so they don’t take a tumble while cooking.

3. Cutting safely. Let your child use a playset knife to cut things that are easier, such as mushrooms or cheese. They will love being able to “be like mom or dad.”