A mother’s joy begins when new life is stirring inside…when a tiny heartbeat is heard for the very first time, and a playful kick reminds her that she is never alone.

Pregnancy is a journey, and while most of us are simply looking toward the end result of bringing home a precious baby, you may be surprised to find that there are many other benefits along the way.pregnant

·       Healthier Eating. Being pregnant means that you are now not only caring for yourself but for your unborn baby. It’s usually the time when you make healthier food choices that will promote good brain and body development for your baby. As you eat more fresh, whole foods, you may notice an increase in energy yourself!

·       Healthier Lifestyle. As you seek to nourish your unborn baby, now is the time you’ll be kicking bad habits, like smoking, as well. After the baby is born you may continue in that healthy habit, which benefits you in the short and long term.

·       Implementing Exercise. Carrying a baby for nine months is a monumental task for your body. By continuing to exercise or by starting to exercise based on your doctor’s recommendations, you are strengthening your body and increasing your flexibility for delivery day, as well as postpartum recovery.

·       Reducing Risks. Studies have found that pregnancy and breastfeeding may help with reducing risks for certain types of cancer.

·       Improving Self-Confidence. Often times women find a sense of empowerment while pregnant. Body image may improve, as you understand that your body is the carrier for a remarkable gift, your child. There’s also a sense of accomplishment through delivering a baby, as it takes great strength and endurance.

Beyond all of these benefits to being pregnant is that you are developing a relationship with your unborn child. This relationship can increase your feelings of love, give you a sense of purpose and help you as you look forward to the next part of your journey with your baby in your arms. JP