organizationLooking for ways to keep your family organized? Then check out these tips:

De-clutter and downsize. By going through your family’s belongings and keeping only what you truly love and/or use, you will save valuable time getting ready, keeping the house clean, and knowing where your items belong.

Ask everyone to pick up after themselves every day – books back on shelves, hair products back in the drawer, dishes washed and put away in the cabinet. With each person doing his or her part, the house will be easier to keep organized and you can get out the door more quickly.

Organization03Do once-a-week food preparation. Pick a day to organize snacks, salads, etc. in to-go containers in the fridge. When it comes time to make lunch, simply toss what you need in your bag.

Create a weekly menu plan. Then prepare for dinner the night before by defrosting the meat you may need and setting aside the rest of your menu items. Using a Crock-Pot in the morning is helpful as well. Then when everyone comes home, dinner is ready and the take-out line is avoided.

Make a capsule wardrobe. By simplifying your and your children’s clothing choices, you save time and money. Be creative with accessories, but stick to the basics for your everyday look. Search Pinterest for capsule wardrobe inspiration.

By employing a few of these ideas, your family will be on its way to a more organized and efficient way of living!