What to do when your child’s favorite word is “No”

There comes a time when nearly every toddler starts to love this word. They are using their newfound freedom of talking and also testing you a bit. It may seem that this will last forever, and soon you’ll be thinking, “oh dear, if this is happening now, what is to come when he or she is a teenager?”

Fear not; this is a phase and like most phases in childhood, it will soon pass. However, there’s no need to just let time take its course; instead, use this “no” phase as a teachable moment.no 2

Teaching your little one other ways of stating their dislike or disobedience will help them handle things in the future.

For example, give them a choice. Instead of telling your child what they are having for a snack, give them two choices and let them choose. This allows them to feel in control and can avoid a screeching “nooooooooo” when you present them with the carrots instead of apples.

When your children get stuck in a “noooooo” situation, help them by giving them more words to use. Teach them about “yes” and “maybe.” This always offers a great spot to teach them manners. Instead of having them belt out “no!” teach them to talk softly and say “no, thank you.” Hearing a wee one say “no, thank you” takes a bad situation from horrible to downright cute.

If the “nooooo’s” get out of control or the issue becomes defiance, use time-outs as a way to let your little one know that defiance is not an appropriate reaction.