tria008-2Music and kids go together like peanut butter and jelly.

Whether it’s popping headphones on your pregnant belly so that your baby can listen in the womb, or it’s singing a lullaby to help soothe your keiki or put them to bed, music is an integral part of raising little ones.

And it’s with good reason. Studies show that music not only tantalizes the senses and can get your kids moving, but it has a ton of benefits for them and their growing brains. Here are just a few:

  • Music can help boost memory
  • Music can help with socialization
  • Music can help boost confidence
  • Music can help with language development
  • Music can help increase creativity
  • Playing a musical instrument can help with motor skills and learning cause and effect
  • And so much more!

So get out those instruments (pots and pans are totally acceptable), pop in a CD, or put on an old record and get listening and moving with your keiki.

honu-cd-cover-recovered-recovered-1024x916-1Our pick for music time:

Local Maui mom, singer/songwriter, children’s music teacher and performer, TRIA’s album, Honu- Island Melodies For Kids, weaves together playful imagery around Maui, songs of humpback whales, sweet strums of the ukulele and beautiful sounds of the nose flute.

Honu – Island Melodies For Kids’ songs are catchy and inviting and get kids (and parents!) moving and singing along in no time. The album features tunes perfect for calming your little one in the afternoon, and others that are sure to get them moving and dancing around. Best of all TRIA shares local Hawaiian names of animals so your keiki will be learning the Hawaiian language too!

You can check out Honu – Island Melodies For Kids and stay informed on upcoming concerts with Tria and the Honu band at