County’s Double-Decker Bus Placed in ServiceCollage-DbleDecker

The Maui County Department of Transportation announced today that its new double-decker bus will be placed into public service tomorrow as part of the official Maui Bus fleet.

The double-decker bus will service the Kihei Islander #2 route, which starts at 6:30 a.m. on Saturday, July 6. Bus fares for the double-decker will be the same as those for all other buses that are part of the Maui Bus fleet ($2 per single boarding or $4 per day).

The bus was purchased, used, for $378,362 and can carry about 90 passengers, which is double the amount of an average bus. The double-decker bus was selected for the Kihei Islander route to help accommodate the large number of residents and visitors who use the Maui Bus to travel between Central and South Maui on a daily basis.