What you can do to ensure your child’s school year is a huge success.school

It’s that time again–a new school year. Use the new year as an opportunity to start new habits and break old ones. Read on for tips that will get school days rolling right.

1. Schedule It
With school comes an influx of activities. There’s nothing worse than forgetting that it’s free-dress day at school or that you were supposed to pack a brown bag lunch for that field trip. Once you receive the school calendar, make sure you write down all important dates on a family calendar. Also, be sure to write down after-school activities, such as soccer practices. Post your calendar in a place where the entire family can see it so that everyone is on the same page every day.

2. Set Goals
Most of us do well when we know where we are going; keiki are no different. When school starts, sit down with your child and set goals. These can be things such as “I’ll put on my shoes every morning all by myself” or “I will read every night.” Or, they can set their sights on achieving specific grades, which you can help them work toward all semester long.

3. Record and Celebrate
With goals come milestones. Writing down goals on a sheet that the entire family can see is a great
school 3 way to help everyone achieve them. Be sure to note and celebrate small milestones, like an “A” on a spelling test. Pop a sticker next to the goal each time they meet it or get a step closer to meeting it.

4. Daily “Talk Story” Sessions
With school and after-school activities, life can get hectic. Setting aside time for a daily debrief, where the family talks story about how their days went, is a great habit to start. Consistent face-to-face communication can help the entire family stay on track all year long.