Our Surfing Goats have been hard at work learning their ABCs and have a big announcement!


We would like to invite everyone to gather round for story time at Surfing Goat Dairy starting Sunday, May 25th at 11:00am.
Kid-friendly books like “The Nanny Goat’s Kid” and “My Goat Gertrude” will be sure to entertain the whole family
(just like Alaska, who’s found her new favorite book: “Goat Goes to Playgroup”!)

While at the farm, be sure to say hello to our own characters in the newborn pen and tell them all about your favorite story. Books featured at story time will be for sale at the shop to take home with you. And as always: educational tours, yummy cheese, and silly goats will still be available during your visit.

We hope you join us for our exciting new addition to Sunday afternoons at the dairy.