Questions to Ask Your Caregiver During Pregnancy

The excitement of expecting a baby also comes with a lot of questions as you prepare to bring a new little one into the world. When you meet with your caregiver for the first time, you will want to be sure and ask some important questions to ensure you are both on the same page when it comes to prenatal care, delivery and postpartum care. Whether you choose to use a midwife or a medical doctor, your questions may need to be adapted.

  • Ask your caregiver what they recommend for safe exercises and activities during pregnancy. Whether you are an active mom-to-be or just beginning your workout regimen, you will want to get the green light from your healthcare provider for the safety of you and your growing baby. Exercise is often recommended and encouraged, as it aids in the delivery process and health of the baby in general.
  • Ask your caregiver his or her philosophy on natural vs. medicated delivery, and his or her C-section rate level. Your caregiver’s particular attitude toward the chosen delivery method is key in making sure you are prepared for the birth that you hope to have with your baby.
  • Ask your caregiver about his or her availability in between visits for any questions that may pop up. Knowing that you can call for reassurance or just a general pregnancy question can help ease any anxiety an expectant mom may have during the pregnancy.
  • Ask your caregiver what they recommend for dietary needs, for a prenatal vitamin, etc.
  • Ask your caregiver why sleeping on the left side is important, as opposed to the right side.
  • Ask your caregiver how they feel about doulas (if you’re considering using one).
  • Ask your caregiver how far he or she will let you go before inducing, as well as his or her induction rate.
  • Ask your caregiver his or her philosophy on home birth and hospital birth, when applicable.
  • Ask your caregiver if he or she does episiotomies, and if so, when and why.
  • Finally, ask what kind of postpartum care is offered for after the delivery. Knowing what to expect after giving birth helps prepare better beforehand.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions, this is your child and he or she deserves the very best care possible!