thank-you-2Whether it’s for a gift, for an event (like dinner), after an interview, or just for a small gesture that meant a lot to you, thank-you notes are still a good idea. We may live in a fast world, but thank-you notes are here to stay. They offer connection, express gratitude, and they can go a long way to let the other person know that you care. Here are a few fresh ideas for making thank-you notes easy peasy, and still heartfelt.

Electronic Thanks

Yup, we went there. While handwritten notes are still our first choice, we think there could be perfect opportunities when a thank-you via text or email can be good too. Use your best judgment here and think about the recipient when opting to go the electronic route.

If it’s a close friend or family member, sending a fun thank-you text or email, along with a picture, could totally be okay. But stick with the traditional handwritten note for Grandma, who is sure to appreciate the effort of popping that envelope in the mail.

You can also use an app such as Ink (free on iTunes) to send a thank-you note within minutes. In just a few taps you can upload a photo, write a note of thanks, pay, and off it will go. No need to go to the store, buy a stamp, or make sure you actually get that envelope in the mailbox.

The recipient will get either a postcard or a card in an envelope (that’s your choice); and not only will they get a thank-you note, but they’ll also receive a photo momentum to hang on to. This could be a great option for Grandma or Aunty Irene.

Handwritten Notes

Handwritten notes are timeless and traditional. But we can make handwritten notes fresh by adding some really fun stationery or personalized cards. It’s always fun to get a sassy, colorful card from a friend that not only says thanks but also brightens your day.

This doesn’t have to be expensive. You can find some great bargains that are also stylish in the dollar section at Target; or if you want to get creative, you could make your own after a quick trip to Ben Franklin’s for some cardstock and supplies.

The freshest idea when it comes to thank-you notes is, just doing them. Whether via text or sending out a handwritten card, the sentiment is sure to not be forgotten if done with a heart full of gratitude.