Teaching Kids to Give Back

volunteerVolunteering is good for others and good for youth…usually. Research shows that youth who volunteer have

  • a lower likelihood of participating in risky behavior.
  • higher levels of academic success.
  • increased self-esteem.
  • increased likelihood of solid employment.
  • increased volunteer and civic participation as adults.

These findings come with a caveat, though. Positive outcomes were found in youth whose volunteer experiences were meaningful and challenging and provided

  • an opportunity to connect with others they wouldn’t normally interact with
  • growth opportunities
  • a broader perspective on the problems of the world.

In contrast, volunteer opportunities designed primarily to make youth feel good about themselves can make youth less empathetic and less likely to put the common good before their own, because the volunteer opportunity is about what the youth want, not what society needs. True service is about using your talents for a greater good, even when it’s not fun and not easy.

How can parents foster empathy and a sense of community responsibility in children?

  1. Be a volunteer. Children of parents who volunteer volunteer at much higher rates than other youth.
  2. Make volunteering a lifestyle, not an event. Commit to service opportunities that meet community needs, are meaningful to your family, and allow your family to volunteer together on a regular basis.
  3. Cultivate gratitude in your family. People who regularly and genuinely express gratitude are more likely to be caring, compassionate, generous, happy, and healthy.
  4. Talk about challenges and hardships that some people face and why. Talk about what is fair and unfair in the world and why. Empower your children with the courage and skills to grapple with ethical challenges and find solutions to problems they see.

A great starting place to find volunteer opportunities that are a good match for your family is Aloha United Way’s Get Connected Hawaii’s database (http://www.mauiunitedway.org/content/4b60b4f06a049/Volunteer_Hawaii.html).