For many parents, the prospect of teaching your child is daunting.  How do I school my kids when I’m not a trained teacher? How do I get anything else in the house done? What about my child’s social needs? What about my job? These are just a few worries you may be having. Here are some helpful tips:

  • Learning at home takes much less time than at school because you are not managing a large group.
  • It’s okay that you are not a trained teacher. Be kind to yourself. Some days will go better than others. 
  • Learning doesn’t have to happen at a desk. Have at least 3 workspaces that your child can choose from such as a table, a chair on the porch, or in the fort they made in the living room.
  • Every activity of the day has the potential to become a learning activity. Things that you haven’t previously thought of as educational become a learning opportunity.
  • Co-plan the day together. Draw simple pictures of the upcoming tasks on a whiteboard then you and your child can put numbers beside each activity to plan the order.
  • Include household tasks in your plan including food prep, cleaning, laundry, and yard work.
  • Scavenger Hunt! Hide parts of work activity in different areas of a room and let your child find them one at a time to complete them.
  • Bring learning concepts to life. Do a baking activity to learn a math concept. Do a science experiment. Act out a play related to a history lesson. Make a comic or video about a topic.
  • Have field trips Both as a lesson as well as a reward.
  • Incorporate your child’s areas of interest. If your child likes planes, make sure math, science, vocabulary, and writing activities related to aviation.
  • Remember to include electives! Music, Art, Drama, and Physical Education. Let your child help choose the activities.
  • If you have multiple kids, set up a station for each child and you rotate between them; have your older child help teach lessons to your younger child. 
  • Let your child be the teacher and you be the student! Pretend you don’t understand so your child has to “teach” the concept to you.
  • Have Fun! Kids remember better when the activity is pleasurable. You can teach a lesson in the pool, at the beach or in the yard. 
  • Schooling at home is an opportunity for a connected sweet time together that you and your kids will remember for years to come.