Maui Dream Day helps parents make “dreams come true” for children living on or visiting Maui. They can assist you in turning your special day or celebration into a “dream come true.” Founder and Dream Maker Darby Gill started A Keiki’s Dream over 25 years ago, which led child-directed dream days for children in crisis who live on Maui. No one knows more about all the activities available here on Maui, and he is now helping all children.

In helping to set up “Dream Days” for children on Maui, Maui Dream Day ensures that a child-directed and child-centered experience fits everyone’s needs and desires. Whether it is to save you precious time or to offer the expertise that you need, they can recommend options, assist with booking, or organize the entire dream experience. They are the best children’s concierge service on Maui. There is no charge to contact them and talk story about what is available. Visit them online at