Fear of the dark is fairly common among young children. While it sometimes goes way by itself, parents can take practical steps to help eliminate night time fears forever.

Here are six steps to ending nighttime fears.

  1. Tell your child you understand. Don’t be little children when they talk about being afraid of the dark. Instead, ask them what frightens them and why. This shows you care and helps them feel confident in your ability to help.
  2. Don’t tell him not to be afraid of monsters or ghosts. Don’t give his fear any credibility by saying, “If you’re good the monsters won’t come.” What they want to hear is a positive and understanding parent with a game plan.
  3. Empower your child. When you’ve discovered why your child is scared of the dark, co-create a list of things to help ease their fears. Knowing what triggers the fears is key because it allows you to go directly goes to the cause. When your child is involved in the fear busting, it makes them feel resourceful and powerful.
  4. Eliminate shadows and scary furniture in their room. In the daylight scan your child’s room and see what could be a potential triggers. Are there shadows or big pieces of furniture or toys that could be scary? Imagine yourself as a child, get down to their eye level, or lie in their bed and take stock.
  5. Establish a soothing bedtime routine. Make sure your wind down time involves no television or scary books. Try some soft music, funny jokes, or anything light-hearted and fun. Nightlights in your child’s room and other spaces, such as the bathroom or hallway, can help ease fears.
  6. Say no to sleepovers with you. Resist the urge to have your child sleep in your bed, unless you feel absolutely necessary. Creating a dependent child is not the way to go. This will make him feel unable to cope with nighttime fears unless you are there. Instead, remind them you are close by and there to keep them safe.

Show your child nighttime fears can be conquered by being understanding and practical. With practice and time you can create a soothing bedtime routine that helps him relax and fall asleep effortlessly.