“Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago” –Warren Buffett

Nurturing your child’s interests is often like planting a tree – the seed is sown years before the tree grows into something magnificent. In this case, your child’s interests are nurtured from an early age, then blossom into full-grown talents over the years.cute boy

ŸListen carefully to your child to hear clues about his interests, as kids tend to focus on their favorite activities.

ŸExpose your child to a variety of activities, such as hiking, surfing, playing music, singing, drawing, soccer, etc. See what your child is drawn to naturally, and encourage her to explore those avenues more in-depth.

ŸSign up for team sports or private lessons. If your child’s interest requires additional training, signing up for a local sports club or music lessons may be a fit. A budget-friendly way to learn more about sports or an instrument would be to trade services with a friend, for example, your friend gives piano lessons and you babysit her kids in exchange.

ŸExplore the library together for books, magazines and videos about your child’s interest. Teaching him how to research his favorite subject matter is an essential tool that will serve him throughout life.

ŸGive your child the freedom to change. Perhaps she was passionate about ballet for a season but now she’s ready to exchange her ballet slippers for soccer cleats. Supporting your child as she grows up and allowing her to experience different opportunities for growth will give her the courage she needs to become all she was created to be on this earth.

ŸDesignate an area in your home for “free-creating.” Some items you may include are books, craft paper, crayons, markers, paint, scissors, old magazines, cardboard boxes, musical instruments, science kits, etc. This space will allow your child to tap into his creative side.

Whatever your child’s interests include, you are there to guide him along the path of discovery. What a joy-filled path it is, as you become your child’s biggest cheerleader, nurturing his seed of interests each step of the way. JP