Ensuring your child stays on track at school is easier than you think. Consider the following steps to support your child as he or she navigates school life.

Visit the school website and campus. Knowing the campus will help your child feel more comfortable with new surroundings. School websites list information like testing dates and new initiatives. You’ll be informed and better able to plan your schedule.

Attend back-to-school nights and parent-teacher conferences. Get to know teachers and expectations at these two events. They’ll give you an opportunity to tell teachers about your child’s learning style. They’ll also help you understand the nuances of your school. For instance, perhaps growth rate is more important than attaining certain grades at your child’s school.

Support homework expectations. Homework reinforces classroom learning and helps children practice study skills. Make sure their room is well lit, comfortable and quiet, and has sufficient school supplies. Be available to help without providing answers.

Send your child to school ready to learn. Boost your child’s attention span by making a healthy breakfast. Running late? Send along nuts and yogurt, or a sandwich. Children also need the right amount of sleep to learn all day. Establish a consistent bedtime and encourage media-free time to wind down at the end of the day.

Teach organizational and study skills. Check your child’s homework folder daily. Talk about keeping an orderly desk, using a planner, and prioritizing tasks. Know test dates so you can remind her to bring home appropriate material, and encourage her to study ahead of time. Teach her how to break down tasks so that preparing for a test is easier.

Take attendance seriously. Unless your child is sick, ensure that he get to school on time. Children lose out when they don’t attend school. Besides falling behind academically, they miss out on social time and important school events. Once children feel disconnected from school, reintegrating is hard.

With a few simple steps, you and your child can co-create not only a successful school life, but a happy one too.