2017 is the Year of the Rooster according to Chinese zodiac. This is a Year of Fire Rooster, starting from Jan. 28, 2017 and lasting to Feb. 15, 2018.FullSizeRender

2017 is a Fire Rooster Year. According to Chinese astrology, each year is associated with one of five elements as well as an animal, including gold (metal), wood, water, fire or Earth. The element, combined with the zodiac animal, set the astrology for the year. This year is a fire year, and so those born in 2017 are Fire Roosters. The last Fire Rooster Year was 1957.

Roosters are characterized as observant and hardworking. Active and talkative, Roosters tend to enjoy social events, sports and being in the center of attention.

Chinese New Year is the most important of the Chinese holidays. It is celebrated with family gatherings, celebration, gift-giving, fireworks, the eating of symbolic foods and the display of decorations. Traditionally it is a 15-day holiday focused on bringing good luck for the new year and celebrating the coming of spring.

Here are some lucky foods to ring in the Lunar New Year:

Longevity noodles for longevity and happiness.

Fish for prosperity.

Spring Rolls and Chinese Dumplings for wealth.

Sweet Rice Balls for family togetherness.

Rice Cakes for improvement.