Ha’iku Community Association Presents: Community Mapping Project.
Event date: Sunday, March 8, 2020.  11:00 am to 1:00 pm
Ha’iku Elementary School Cafeteria 

The Ha’iku Community Association (HCA) will host a meeting,Sunday, March 8, 2020,  at the Ha’iku Elementary School Cafeteria .  The event will run from 11:00 am until 1:00 pm.  Light refreshments will be served.

The intent will be to gather community knowledge on the historical and cultural past of Haiku, in order to guide its future.  There will be layers of information collected by those willing to share. Public and common knowledge places, information shared with permission by grantees, and a private category used for official use only, to be kept sealed. 

This will be an ongoing project, and therefore will be presented in stages.  The first phase will cover Maliko to Pilale Bay, phase two will be from Maliko to Baldwin Beach Park.  Information could include sharing roads, paths, trails, spiritual places, civic infrastructure, Place names, and natural resources.

Following meetings will be on Sunday, March 28th at the Haiku School Cafeteria, also from 11:00-1:00 as well as during the Haiku Ho’olaule’a and Flower Festival on April 25th at the Haiku Community Center and School grounds.  Funds were made possible by a Maui County Office of Economic Development Grant.

There will also be updates from the Hamakualoa Aha Moku Council, The Haiku Ho’olaule’a & Flower Festival, and the Kalapukua Playground at Giggle Hill.  

For more about HCA activities go to haikumaui.org.  Questions may be directed to Maile at 808-385-3176 or [email protected]