
Heading off island this summer? Feeling a bit nervous and stressed? Use these simple strategies for a stress-free and fun travel time with the family this summer.

Pack light

Summertime means warmer temps so you can pack lighter. If staying somewhere that has a washer and dryer, remember that you can wash your clothes while on vacation so there’s no need to pack your entire wardrobe.

Speaking of laundry

If your vacation destination has a washer and dryer, try to wash your clothes before heading home. It’s so nice to return home with clean clothes to put away instead of a laundry pile.

Stop the mail

The US postal service makes it easy for you to stop your mail for a specified amount of time. Even better? You can do it online at


Unplug your appliances before leaving town. This can save you energy and keep your house safe.

Bring an extra pair of clothes on the plane       

Pack an extra pair of clothes for your little one and for yourself. You never know what kind of accident can happen on the airplane.

Bring snacks travel 2

Pack healthy snacks for the plane ride and make sure everyone drinks plenty of water so that they don’t get dehydrated.

Pack a meal

Don’t have a feeding frenzy in the airport or spend tons of cash on the airplane meals, instead bring your meal from home. Be healthy and cash conscious.

Bring books

No matter the age of your keiki, bring a couple of books to keep them occupied while flying. Books are quiet and don’t take batteries – score!

Have tech, will travel

However, an iPad can be a parent’s best friend on a long flight. Load it with cool learning apps, books and videos prior to your day of travel. Remember, it can take a short while to download any movie so be sure to leave time before you leave.

Pack surprises

Wrap a few little gifts (notepads, stickers, small travel toys) and let your keiki open a new one as the flight progresses. The gifts break the monotony of a long flight and offer a new activity for your little one to do with each passing hour. SB