What is it about the grandparent–grandchild relationship that is so special?

Mark your calendars for National Grandparents Day. Itʻs always the second Sunday in September, so this year it is September 10th!

Many grandparents say it is a combination of things – fewer daily family and work demands, greater wisdom, the ability to focus on the moment, and the fact that they are no longer the primary disciplinarian. Grandkids say that at grandma, grandpa, tutu man or tutu lady’s house (or whatever their special grandparent name may be), they feel special.

With just a quick internet search, there are hundreds of homemade, inexpensive and unique gifts for grandparents. For those grandparents and grandchildren who both live on Maui, there are fun outdoor and indoor activities to enjoy together.

There are also a very special set of grandparents that wear the hat of both grandparent and parent. And because these families are so special, we call them GRANDFAMILIES! Grandfamilies include both grandparents and aunties and uncles raising a family memberʻs child. If you know a grandfamily, let them know that resources in Maui can support their good work.

GRANDcares is a 6-week series of workshops that focus on helping grandfamilies access resources they need, manage their own health, and THRIVE. Classes are offered through UH Extension and scheduled at various times and locations on Maui. To learn more, contact Heather Greenwood-Junkermeier at 244-3242 ext 226 or email Christine Spencer at [email protected].

Grandfamily Game Night is held on the Second Saturday of each month on the UH Maui College Campus from 5-7pm. This free event is a time for grandfamilies to meet, play games, have fun, and eat dinner. Registration is required so we have enough food, so call or email today – 244-3242 3xt 226 or [email protected].