Always Running Late? Here Are Some Tips to Help You Be On Time

Being late can cause real friction in your everyday life. From the kids getting a tardy slip to losing out on time with your doctor when you are late for an appointment, being late is a habit that is itching to be broken. Here are some easy tips to try and help you stay on time; we hope they will stop those tardy slips from coming home.time web

Plan ahead

Get the kids to school on time by planning ahead. Have lunches made and clothes put out the night before. The more you can do before the morning of, the better chance you will run on time.

Create an appointment and set reminders

These days everyone has a smart phone. Use your smart phone’s calendar to keep track of all appointments. This means even the daily ones such as picking the kids up from school.

Once you’ve created an appointment in your calendar, add reminders. You should be able to set one or two alarms for each appointment. Don’t set your reminders to just ten minutes before an appointment; have the first one set for an hour before, and the second one set for 20 minutes before. By creating these duplicate reminders, you are more likely to not forget an appointment before it’s too late.

Set your clock ahead

Yes, this is an old trick but it can work. Set all clocks ahead about 13 minutes. This means all clocks in your house and your car clock. By adding in a little buffer, you just may make it to school on time. Pssst, don’t tell your kids the clock is fast; let them hurry and be amazed when they get to school without a tardy slip.